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Table 2 Detailed methodology steps, with roles

From: A goal-oriented, business intelligence-supported decision-making methodology





Involved roles

Step 1

Create goal models

Interview data

Goal models

Analysts: interviewers & modellers

Consumers: interviewees

Define the KPIs

Interview data & existing KPI monitoring systems

Performance model

Analysts: interviewers & modellers

Consumers: interviewees

Identify analysis types & specify new KPIs

Goal and performance models

Analysis types

Consumers: identify the required analysis

Step 2

Add new KPIs

Performance model

Refined performance model


Refine cause-effect relationships

Performance model

Refined performance model


Connect KPIs to BI data sources

Performance model

Performance model connected to BI data sources

BI Experts: BI related activities

Analysts: Provide the required information for BI experts

Create decision options diagrams

Interview data, business plans and other related documents

Decision model

Analysts: interviewers & modellers

Consumer: interviewees

Make a decision

Decision model, goal model and performance model

Changes in the business

Consumers: Make decisions

Analysts: Provide input to consumers as required

Model required processes

Interview data & current process models

Process model

Analysts: Interviewers & Modellers

Consumers: Interviewees

Adaptation lifecycle (Optional)

Models (Goals, Performance, Processes)

Adapted models


Step 3

Model threats and opportunities (situations)

Performance model

Performance & Goal models + Situations


Add required monitoring KPIs

Performance model

Performance model + New KPIs


Monitor and refine the model

Goal and performance model

Refined models and a new iteration

Analysts: Monitor and refine

Consumers: Monitor